Poet, Astrologer

Goddess Asteroid Astrology and Gene Keys Guide. Be the Heroine of Your Own Mythical Journey

Whether you are planning a special date or experiencing challenges in your life the Goddess Asteroids are the archetypes which are re-shaping our reality and destiny as human beings. They offer specific and tangible doorways out of your most fixed and stubborn patterns. If you sometimes feel you are going round and round in circles then this Astrology Reading can pin point with precision areas in your life where you can make changes. Woven with conventional Process Orientated Astrology you will have the information you need to make the best choices for your life.

Purchase a copy of my book Walk in Beauty:A Guide to Living in Indigenous Wisdom

“A Book that will change your life”

  • Readings

    Arrange a one to one reading with Alison today to experience inner freedom

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    Ongoing support to navigate the issues which always seem to hold you back.


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